Sister2Sister Programs
The mission of Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry, Inc. is to bring wholeness into the broken lives of women and children from all walks of life.
Thousands of children in Kenya are homeless due to poverty, violence, drought, or illness such as HIV/AIDS. Kitale is estimated to have approximately 2,000 children living on the streets, where the average life expectancy is just 16 years old.
Sister2Sister provides programs and assistance for women in many difficult situations in Kenya. The overarching goal of Sister2Sister is to support women in living their dreams and to help them realize their inherent inner strength and beauty, transforming them into confident women of virtue and purpose. Another goal for Sister2Sister International Outreach is to give a home to the orphaned children in Ngong, Kenya.
Through encouragement, prayer and standing in the gap for one another we will be able to help each other grow and become what God intended for us in the beginning.
Sister2Sister Children's Home & School
Our largest project has been building the Sister2Sister Children’s Home & School in Ngong, Kenya. Our building is now complete and operational as of December 2022. We now house teenaged mothers and their babies.
These girls have found themselves as outcasts because of their pregnancies. All of these mothers, who are just babies themselves, became pregnant through no choice of their own. Sister2Sister is working to break the cycle of poverty, violence and discrimination toward women by raising these mothers and their babies to realize their God-given potential.
Children's Feeding Program
Starting January 2012, Sister2Sister International implemented a feeding program in Aruba, Kitale for hungry, homeless and disadvantaged children. Some of these children have disabilities and due to poverty, their mothers are unable to provide nutritious meals for them.
We serve substantial, nutritious meals each day at the Full Gospel Church in Aruba. Currently over 150 children are being fed once a day and cared for by Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry. Sister2Sister is eager to help many more in the future.

Mission Trips to Kenya
Sister2Sister will take those willing to visit the mission fields in Kenya on a two-week mission trip. This will take place in July and October as funding permits. COVID-19 has made travel difficult but mission trips are still needed and will be planned with the safest methods available.

Mothers of Disabled Children
Sister2Sister brings women with disabled children together for emotional support where they meet others with similar needs and realize that they are not alone. The society stereotypes and stigmatizes these women and they end up being marginalized and rejected.
We encourage them to look at their children as blessings. Until we have accepted the human truth that we are all created equal, we have not succeeded. Disability is not inability.

Pen Pal Program
The Pen Pal Project is a letter writing initiative of Sister2Sister encouraging people to communicate with women and children in Kenya. Through letter writing we share our pain and struggles with others and when they reply we learn that we have a lot in common. The art of letter writing has died since computers have become easily accessible. These letters are hand written so the women and children can go back and read them over and over again, improving reading and writing skills. Writing letters of hope to those who are suffering in far away lands and encourage them is another way Sister2Sister brings hope and encouragement.