Virtual Praise Concerts
Does your brain hurt a little after reading that? Let us explain…
Every year, Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry holds a Summer Praise event that features many of Winston-Salem, NC’s finest Christian singers, and musical artists. During the event, a Love Offering is taken up with all proceeds going to build the Sister2Sister Children’s Home and School in Ngong, Kenya. Click here to learn more.
As it did with countless fundraising events from all over the world, the COVID-19 pandemic prohibited us from being able to hold this event, but we still need to raise funds to finish the children’s home and school for the children of Ngong, Kenya. And since we couldn’t invite you to an actual event, we’re bringing the event to you!
We’re grateful to the singers and artists who blessed us with their talents via video, so we invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy. If you’re so moved, please give generously to Sister2Sister by clicking here.